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Sex: MaleFemale
Child's date of birth:
Is there anyone who is prohibited from having contact with or collecting the child? YesNo
Court orders please attach:
Days required: MonTueWedThuFri
Start date required:
Mother's date of birth:
Father's date of birth:
Please supply a copy of your child's current Immunisation form. This can be accessed from your Medicare MyGov website. No other form is acceptable. This is a regulatory requirement.
Please supply a copy of your child's Birth Certificate. Either attach below or bring a hard copy to the centre.
Is your child on regular medication or have any disabilities, food sensitivities or allergies we should know about? YesNo
Note: If yes to allergies requiring an Epipen please complete action form.
Is there any other information you wish us to know about your child? YesNo
Has your child had any of the following? MeaslesGerman MeaslesEar InfectionEpilepsyAsthmaHepatitisMumpsChicken PoxThroat Infection
Note: If yes to asthma please complete an asthma action form.
Release child to Doctor? YesNo
Release child to Dentist? YesNo
Any person who is authorised to consent to medical treatment of, or to authorise administration of medication to the child:
Any person who is authorised to authorise an educator to take the child outside the education and care service premises:
Any person who is authorised to authorise the education and care services to transport the child or arrange transportation of the child:
Emergency release? YesNo
Daily pick up? YesNo
I agree that in the event of an emergency , illness or accident concerning my child and the teacher being unable to contact me or other persons so authorised by me, I consent to the Centre seeking on my behalf medical, dental, hospital & ambulance attention for my child and I accept liability for medical, dental, hospital & ambulance as may be incurred:
I agreeI do not agree
I have read and understood all parking requirements limitations and restrictions. I will park only in the legal parking areas and bays as permitted by the RTA and Council Requirements and Restrictions.
0411 743 783 |